Are 1990 Fleer Basketball Cards Worth Anything? Find Out Now!
Alright, let’s gab about them 1990 Fleer basketball cards, you know, the ones the young’uns are always yappin’ about. I don’t know much ‘bout basketball, but I sure know a thing or two ‘bout stuff bein’ worth money, or not worth a plugged nickel, as the case may be.
Now, these 1990 Fleer basketball cards, they were ever’where back in the day. Kids were tradin’ ‘em, flippin’ ‘em, stickin’ ‘em in their bike spokes. Nobody thought much of ‘em then, just pieces of cardboard with pictures of fellas in short pants runnin’ around.

But times change, don’t they? Suddenly, folks are sayin’ some of these cards are worth somethin’. Can you believe it? All them cards we used to step on are now supposedly worth money! Makes you wanna kick yourself, don’t it?
- First off, let me tell you, most of them ain’t worth a lick. Yep, that’s right. They made a whole heap of these cards, more than the chickens in my yard, I tell ya. So, just ‘cause you got a stack of ‘em, don’t mean you’re gonna be rich.
- But, there’s always a “but,” ain’t there? There’s some cards that are special, like that fella, Michael Jordan. Now, he was somethin’ else, even I heard of him. His card, number 26, that’s the one everyone wants.
I heard tell that a good one, all nice and shiny, can fetch ya maybe five dollars. Five dollars! That ain’t gonna buy you a new tractor, but it’ll get you a cup of coffee and a donut, maybe two if they’re on sale.
Now, some folks, they get all fancy and send their cards off to get ‘em graded. They put ‘em in little plastic cases and give ‘em a number. The higher the number, the better the card, or so they say. But, listen here, most of the time, it ain’t worth the bother. You spend more money sendin’ the card off than you’ll ever get back. It’s like polishin’ a turd, if you ask me.
Grading, they call it. Sounds important, doesn’t it? But unless your card is perfect, and I mean perfect, like a newborn baby’s bottom, it ain’t gonna make much difference. And let me tell you, most of these cards look like they’ve been through the washin’ machine, and not on the gentle cycle neither.

See, these cards, they gotta be centered just right, no bent corners, no scratches, no nothin’. And even then, most of ‘em are still just worth a few pennies. They made too many of ‘em, I tell ya, too many.
So, if you got a box of these 1990 Fleer basketball cards up in the attic, don’t go gettin’ your hopes up. You ain’t gonna be buyin’ no fancy car with ‘em. But, you might have a Michael Jordan in there, and that’s worth somethin’, I guess.
You can look ‘em up online, they got these “price guides” now, tell you what each card is worth. But take it with a grain of salt, I say. Just ‘cause some fella on the internet says a card is worth somethin’, don’t mean it is. It’s all about what someone’s willin’ to pay, and most folks ain’t willin’ to pay much for these old cards.
I tell you what though, it’s kinda fun to look at ‘em, remember the old days. Them fellas in their short pants and high socks, they sure were somethin’. Makes you feel young again, even if your knees are creakin’ and your back’s achin’. And who knows, maybe you’ll find that one special card, that Michael Jordan, and then you can buy yourself that extra donut, you deserve it.

So, that’s the story on them 1990 Fleer basketball cards, as best as I can tell it. Most ain’t worth much, but a few might be. It’s a gamble, just like life, I reckon. You just never know what you’re gonna get.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed them chickens.
Original article by the Author:Hollis,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly: