How to Make a Basketball Drill Book: A Step-by-Step Guide for Coaches
Well now, if ya wanna make a basketball drill book, first thing’s first, ya gotta know what yer doin’. Ain’t no use makin’ a fancy book if ya don’t know the drills to put in it, right? So, let’s start simple. Grab a pen and a piece of paper, or if ya feel fancy, use one o’ them computers. Don’t matter how you start, just get goin’. First thing ya need to do is list down all the drills that are important. Ya know, the ones that make the players better. Start with the basics, like dribblin’, passin’, and shootin’.
Then, once ya got them down, break ’em up into sections. Like, one for warm-ups, one for defense, one for offense. Ya gotta keep it organized so when yer team needs somethin’, they ain’t searchin’ through the whole book for it. Ya can also write down the goals for each drill. For example, a drill like “Iowa State 4:15” could be real helpful. The goal of this one is simple, ya get 120 points in 4 minutes and 15 seconds. Now, it don’t matter if you’re countin’ 1 point for a layup or 2 or 3 for jump shots—ya just gotta make sure yer team knows what they’re workin’ towards.

Now, a real good drill book should also tell ya how long each drill should take. Ain’t no use in draggin’ on, right? Keep ‘em short but useful. Maybe try to experiment with the time and the points as ya go along. Maybe give ‘em a bit more time or make the shots worth more. That way, your players can practice for real game situations and get ready for anything that comes at ’em.
When yer makin’ the drills, don’t forget to add some instructions. Like, tell ’em what the drill is for, what they’re supposed to be doin’ at each point. Don’t leave ‘em hangin’. You can also include some tips for coaches, like how to fix mistakes or what to look out for when a player’s doin’ somethin’ wrong. Don’t worry too much about fancy words, just speak plain so everyone gets it. Ya don’t need no big fancy terms, just keep it simple.
And if ya can, make it interactive. There’s some tools out there that let ya draw up plays and even animate ‘em. Some even let ya record sound over the plays, so when yer team looks at it, they can hear exactly what ya want ‘em to do. That way, ya ain’t gotta spend as much time explainin’ on the court, and can get straight to practicin’ and fixin’ those shots!
But hey, it ain’t all about makin’ it look good. It’s about makin’ it work for the players and the coaches. Make sure ya add some sections on what players should do after the drill, too. Like, should they take a break? Should they stretch? You can even put in some notes on how to turn things around if the drill ain’t workin’ the way ya hoped. That’s important, ya don’t wanna be wastin’ time, especially if ya ain’t got a lot o’ it.

Once ya got all the drills in there, it’s time to put ‘em in a book. You can either print it out, or keep it digital if yer into that kind of thing. I reckon printin’ might be better for some, since ya can carry it ‘round easier and scribble notes on it as ya go. But whichever way ya do it, make sure it’s handy and easy to read. No one’s gonna wanna use it if it’s too hard to follow.
And don’t forget the extras! Maybe add a little section at the back for a checklist o’ things players need to work on. Maybe even some motivational quotes or tips to keep ‘em goin’. That always helps to keep their spirits up when they’re workin’ hard on their game.
So that’s the basics of makin’ yer own basketball drill book. Just remember, it ain’t gotta be perfect, it just gotta be useful. Keep it simple, make it clear, and most importantly, make sure it helps your team get better. ‘Cause at the end of the day, that’s the whole point o’ it all, ain’t it?
Tags:[Basketball Drill Book, Basketball Training, Basketball Drills, Coach Tips, Basketball Plays, Hoop Coach, Basketball Practice]

Original article by the Author:Leo,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly: